This award celebrates the best travel blog focusing on particular destinations — cities, countries, wherever. Quality writing and/or photography about that location that make you want to book a flight (or train, or ship) as soon as you can.
You may nominate UP TO THREE BLOGS by leaving a comment in this post. If your favorite has been nominated already, feel free to nominate it again. Show your love!
Note: The comment form automatically asks for name, e-mail address, website (optional), and a text field. E-mail addresses will never be shared or visible publicly, in keeping with our privacy policy. Enter all nominations in the text field. Use the “website” field only if you are linking back to your own site.
Click below to switch to another nomination category.
– Best Travel Blog
– Best Informative/Practical Travel Blog
– Best Group-Written Travel Blog
– Best Single-Author Travel Blog
– Best Photography on a Travel Blog